Free Talk–March 5

Dr. Wong will be giving a free talk at Ann Arbor Community Acupuncture on March 5, 2:30-3:30pm. This is the second part of her series on healthy eating. She will be speaking on toxins and chemicals in foods. She’ll answer questions on what do certain terms mean, what chemicals are we regularly exposed to in foods, how do we limit our exposure, and how do we eliminate toxins through diet.

There will be light refreshments. Space is limited, so call (734) 780-7253 or email to reserve your spot.

Click below to see the full flyer:

Healthy Eating Toxins and Chemicals

May 2 Free Acupuncture

We’re doing it again. Come by May 2 from 10 am to 5 pm to our open house. We will be offering free acupuncture treatments, answering questions about acupuncture, community acupuncture, and having a generally good time. There will be tea, coffee, and snacks. You might even be able to win some free treatments to give your friends. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re new to the clinic or a regular here. No appointments or registration necessary. Just come on in and enjoy!

You might wonder, why do you give out so many free treatments? We are part of this community and our health depends on the health of others in this community, so why not? Acupuncture works the best when treatments can be administered somewhat regularly and frequently. There is an extra element of healing when we are focusing on doing it together. We want to see the treatment rooms full for this reason. So please tell all your friends who have pain, sleep issues, menstrual/menopausal issues, digestive complaints, depression/anxiety, who are recovering from surgery, or have general stress to come on by and try it out! (Some people notice some impact in the first few days after treatment. Most people notice results after 6-8 continuous treatments.)

Free Acupuncture Offered at Grand Opening 3/21 & 3/22

Have you heard a lot about acupuncture, but haven’t had a chance to actually try it? Come to Ann Arbor Community Acupuncture on Saturday, March 21, 2015 and/or Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 10am to 5pm to try it out for free! We are so happy to be open and serving Ann Arbor. What better way to introduce ourselves and acupuncture to our community than by relaxing and pigging out together? We will have light refreshments available, and Evan and Cheryl will be there all day to answer any questions you have about whether acupuncture is the right fit for you. No need to make an appointment for the open house. Just come right in!

Open House
Saturday & Sunday, March 21 & 22, 2015 10am-5pm

2500 Packard St. Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 780-7253

Free acupuncture and light refreshments!

FREE EVENT–Healthy Eating 101: A 3-Part Series

Learn about the Basics of Good Eating this Fall


By request, Dr. Cheryl Wong is repeating a slightly condensed version of her educational series on healthy eating. This fall, she is excited to partner with Healthy Living Market in Saratoga Springs, NY to speak about the basics of healthy eating. Her educational series entitled “Healthy Eating 101: A 3-Part Series”, teases apart some of the confusing and conflicting scientific data on nutrition. These talks will be held during the last Tuesdays of September and October at 6pm and Tuesday, November 18 at 6pm. She will be speaking about inflammation, health and food on September 30, toxicities and chemicals in food on October 28, and food sensitivities on November 18.
If interested, please send a request to hold your seat, as this event may fill up. You can send a quick email to or call 518.288.7083.
Click on the flyer below for more information!

Free Sleep Lecture and Acupuncture Demo!

On Tuesday, May 13 at 6-7:30pm, I’ll be giving a lecture on sleep followed by a brief acupuncture demo at Saratoga Springs’s Green Conscience. I will be talking about normal sleep, how sleep affects health, how your health may affect your sleep, and ways to get better sleep. Check out the flyer below!

Sleep Flyer

FREE EVENT–Healthy Eating 101: A 4-Part Series

Learn about the Basics of Good Eating this Spring

This Spring, Dr. Cheryl Wong is thrilled to work with The Acupuncture Studio in Glens Falls to speak about the basics of healthy eating. Her educational series entitled “Healthy Eating 101: A 4-Part Series”, teases apart some of the confusing and conflicting scientific data on nutrition. These talks will be held the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of April and May from 10-11am at The Acupuncture Studio. She will be speaking about inflammation, health and food on April 12, toxicities and chemicals in food on April 26, food sensitivities on May 10, and how to navigate the myriad of diet protocols available on May 24.
Click on the flyer below for more information!