Learn about the Basics of Good Eating this Fall
By request, Dr. Cheryl Wong is repeating a slightly condensed version of her educational series on healthy eating. This fall, she is excited to partner with Healthy Living Market in Saratoga Springs, NY to speak about the basics of healthy eating. Her educational series entitled “Healthy Eating 101: A 3-Part Series”, teases apart some of the confusing and conflicting scientific data on nutrition. These talks will be held during the last Tuesdays of September and October at 6pm and Tuesday, November 18 at 6pm. She will be speaking about inflammation, health and food on September 30, toxicities and chemicals in food on October 28, and food sensitivities on November 18.
If interested, please send a request to hold your seat, as this event may fill up. You can send a quick email to cheryl@cherylwongnd.com or call 518.288.7083.
Click on the flyer below for more information!