The People’s Organization for Community Acupuncture (POCA) is a multi-stakeholder cooperative of community acupuncture clinics, acupuncturists, and patients all across North America. POCA’s mission is to make acupuncture accessible to people of different backgrounds in order to make social change in healthcare. Part of its vision is to build long-term stable services based on fair treatment for everyone.
In order to be a POCA clinic, AACA must abide by POCA guidelines that would uphold their vision for fair and sustainable healthcare. Like POCA, our goal is to put people’s health back into their own hands by offering affordable, effective care to all members of our community. Being a POCA clinic will help us find ways to continue to provide this service to Ann Arbor. We’re excited to be part of this movement. (For more information about their organization, visit, or ask us about it when you see us.)
You can be part of this movement too. Anyone can become a member. Membership is on a $25-100 sliding scale. When you become a POCA member, you can get $10 treatments from Ann Arbor Community Acupuncture for all of July and August.